I am so blessed to be a wedding photographer in Atlanta, Georgia. I will say that I have the best brides ever! They have been so kind to me and leaving reviews of Atlanta Artistic Weddings all over the internet. As you may know that I live by my reputation. Most of my weddings are recommendations from brides or brides maids that I have shot in the past.
I have reviews at Pictage.com and you can see the recommedations at http://www.pictage.com/photographers/listing.do?studio=DD064. There are over 46 reviews on Google at https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/107336593908082199234/107336593908082199234/about. There are also reviews at Yahoo at http://local.yahoo.com/info-49990763-atlanta-artistic-wedding-photography-atlanta?csz=Atlanta%2C+GA. I so appreciate the brides for taking the time to leave reviews of www.atlantaartisticweddings.com. It means so much to me. It is truly an honor to be their wedding photographer.