Wedding Cake Decorator in Atlanta, Georgia
As a wedding photographer in Atlanta you never know who you will meet. Recently I was shooting a wedding in the East Atlanta area near Grant Park Zoo. I was meet a very talented bridesmaid! She is a great cake decorator and owner of http://pastryshells.net/. Here name is Shelly Jones and she made the cake…
Make up artist for your wedding
As a Atlanta wedding photographer you appreciate the professional team that makes a great wedding. One the first things I do when I get to a wedding is introduce myself to the wedding team. I like to meet the officiant to see if they have any photography rules I need to be aware of. I…
Jewish Weddings Terminology by Atlanta Artistic Weddings
Aaron and Vered from David on Vimeo. As a Atlanta wedding photographer I am honored to shoot so many different cultures and religions. So I am always researching different religions and cultural ceremonies. I know that a lot of people go to weddings and don’t know intricacies of the ceremony. So I have been posting…
Indian Wedding Highlights and Insight to Terminology and
indian wedding highlights from David on Vimeo. I love Indian weddings! I just love all the color and pageantry. I was trying to explain all the cool things that happen during a Indian weddings and I just couldn’t. The ceremony and the days leading up to it are full of details. I am going…
Wedding shot by Candle Light by www.atlantaartisticweddings.com
If you have been following www.atlantaartisticweddings.com you will know that I love working with natural light. In honor of Dragon Con this weekend in Atlanta I am sharing this wedding. This is wedding is a small orthodox wedding with a Dr. Who theme. If you notice in the groom’s pocket is a sonic screwdriver. This…
Wedding Details and Here Comes the Bride!
As I do more and more weddings the things that stand out to me are the details and the little moments that are not the necessarily what everyone is looking at. I love the little moments. This bride spent so much time on the little details of her wedding. The cute little wagon as sitting…
Dr. Who Wedding! in honor of the new Doctor
As a Atlanta wedding photographer I have the honor of doing some very unique weddings. On one occasion it was a Dr. Who themed wedding. I am including a detail of the bouquet. If you are looking at and wondering what it is, it is a sonic screw driver! This was such a fun wedding. …
Dr. Who and the Tradis Wedding Cake Topper by atlantaartisticweddings
Hi folks! In case you didn’t know I am a huge Dr. Who fan! I have been watching it since Tom Baker and his companions. Last year I meet a wonderful couple and one of the first questions they had for me was “do you like Dr. Who?”. Right then I knew this was going…
Shoes are a Brides Best Friend on her Wedding Day
Shoes are one of the most important accessories. You don’t think about it much but you really need to think about shoes almost before you pick out a wedding dress. Because you need to know how much you need to alter your dress based on the size of your heels on your shoes. You want…
Great Wedding at Beth Jacob this weekend
A Father and his Daughter on their Wedding Day I recently had the honor of photographing a wedding at Beth Jacob Synagogue. The wedding was absolutely beautiful. The Synagogue is beautiful. It has high ceilings with stained glass all around the roof letting in a soft natural light. I wanted to share this photograph. I…