Flavors of Haiti Fundraiser May 7th for the Haiti EcoVillage School
Haiti EcoVillage School – photography by AtlantaArtisticWeddings AtlantaArtisticWeddings Supports the Haiti EcoVillage As a Atlanta wedding photographer at www.AtlantaArtisticWeddings.com I get to document many celebrations and wonderful moments. Recently a opportunity to document the progress of a school sponsored by Atlanta Church Group and partners with MPP and UUSC. It is a great project and…
Looking Forward to Building Bridges to Haiti
Hi my name is David Diener and I am a Atlanta wedding photographer at www.atlantaartisticweddings.com. Over the years I have heard about mission trips to Haiti. My sister and my cousins who are ministers have been there on mission trips. I was enthralled when they shared stories of the country and the how different Haiti…
Haiti Eco Village Trip for Atlanta Photographer
Hello everyone, I know this is a little off base compared to my other posts. I wanted to share that I am going to Haiti on a mission trip. I will be going with a great group from the Atlanta Church Group. Currently we are learning about Haiti, The Eco Village and the culture.…